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Troupe News

Improving fitness, self-confidence, mental health, co-ordination skills, friendships, general health and wellbeing. 


The Cygnets were very excited and nervous at the same time, to be in action, with their public dance displays at some wonderful events and venues.

Smurfs carnival
carnival dance day
carnival dance 4
carnival throws
smurfs are ready for carnival
carnival dance 5
majorette friends
carnival line
carnival dance 3
carnival dance 2
carnival dance 1
gone blue

It's Carnival time for The Cygnets, this year we have added a bit of fun
and turned them into Smurfs!

Flag dance
Mace duet
mace twirler
juniors twirling
double baton twirling
dance line
senior twirl
flags 2
pompoms 1
pompoms 2
Pompom dance
pompoms 3
pompoms 4
kings coronation 2023
union jack flag dance
pompoms 5
pompoms 6
troupe display
uniforms are ready
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